Dekonstruksi Eksistensialisme Tokoh dalam Novel Divergent Karya Veronica Roth

Maycherlita Supandi(1*)

(1) Universitas Islam Negeri Sunan Ampel Surabaya
(*) Corresponding Author


This study focuses on the study of the deconstruction towards the concept of character’s existentialism in Veronica Roth's Divergent which begins with the propagation of existentialism as a mainstream value in the novel but still raises problems and issues of freedom. Generally, this study has two main problems: (1) how deconstruction works on the existentialism of the characters in the novel, (2) what are the inherent values contained in the novel as a result of the deconstruction study of the concept of character’s existentialism. This study employs the theory and method of deconstruction as a framework of analysis and existentialism as a concept. The result of this study indicates that the existentialism echoed by the author as the primary value is deconstructed into character’s dehumanization who deals with the non-freedom of choice of life.


deconstruction; existentialism; character; Divergent

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