Representasi Monstrositas Perempuan dalam Novel Mantra Lilith Karya Hendri Yulius

Indrawan Dwisetya Suhendi(1*), Aquarini Priyatna(2), Teddi Muhtadin(3)

(*) Corresponding Author


This research aims at conyeving the representation of monstrous feminine in novel Mantra Lilith by Hendri Yulius (2017). The issue discussed is how the representation of monstrous feminine in Mantra Lilith. The theory used in this research is the monstrous feminine theory proposed by Creed (2003) and the abject theory of Kristeva (1982). This research used analytical descriptive method. The data from the novel is described to obtain an overview of the representation of monstrous feminine. The results show that female sexuality is a monstrous that it is represented as a snake in a novel narrative. Monstrosity is also constructed to two mother figures who refused to live in the confines of patriarchal ideology by choosing to be widows. In addition, the representation of monstrous feminine is presented through allusion to stories that have been known before such as the stories of Red Riding Hood, Timun Mas, and The Little Mermaid


representation; monstrosity; women; novel

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