Legenskap Masyarakat Bangkalan dan Unsur-Unsur Pembentuknya
(1) University of Trunojoyo Madura
(*) Corresponding Author
Tujuan pelitian ini adalah menjelaskan legenskap di Kabupaten Bangkalan. Metode analisis data yang digunakan adalah analisis data interaktif yang diusulkan oleh Miles dan Huberman. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa jenis legenda yang terdapat pada masyarakat Bangkalan ada lima, yaitu asal muasal berdirinya sebuah daerah, kesaktian tokoh masyarakat yang telah meninggal dan kuburannya dianggap keramat, tempat-tempat mistik, penyebaran agama Islam, dan asal-usul munculnya sebuah budaya. Sebaran layer berdasarkan waktu terbentuknya, terbagi menjadi lima, yaitu legenda klasik, neoklasik, zaman tengah, zaman baru, dan masa kini. Berdasarkan hubungan cerita, Kabupaten Bangkalan dibagi menjadi empat kontur legenda, yaitu kontur utara, barat, selatan, timur, dan tengah. Penelitian ini juga menemukan dua fakta menarik yaitu adanya empat legenda yang melibatkan karakter perempuan Madura yang kuat bernama Bendoro Gung, Dewi Retnadi, Syarifah Ambami, dan Dewi Nawang Wulan. Keempat wanita ini sangat dihormati orang Madura padahal budaya Madura terkenal dengan patriarkatnya. Fakta kedua adalah jejak Pangeran Trunojoyo yang begitu terkenal di Madura namun tidak tampak menghiasi skap legenda masyarakat Bangkalan.
The purpose of this study is to explain the Bangkalanese legendscape. The method used to analyze the data was the interactive data analysis, which was proposed by Miles and Huberman. From the data analysis, it has been found that there are five types of Bangkalan legends, namely: the origin of the establishment of a region, respectful leaders who died, living his/her sacred grave, mystical places, the spread of Islam, and the origins of the emergence of a culture. It has also been found the distributional of layers of legends existance namely: classics, neoclassic, middle ages, new era, and present layers. Based on the legend interrelations, it has been found four contours of legends, namely the north, west, the south, the east, and the central contours. In addition, this study also reveals two other interesting facts. The first is about the existence of four legends involving Madura strong female characters named Bendoro Gung, Dewi Retnadi, Syarifah Ambami, and Dewi Nawang Wulan. The four women are highly respected by Madurese. This is contradictory to Madurese culture which admires patriarchy (man’s power) very much. The second is about Trunojoyo’s traces. This figure is so well known in Madura yet his footsteps are not so visible in Bangkalan legendscape.
The purpose of this study is to explain the Bangkalanese legendscape. The method used to analyze the data was the interactive data analysis, which was proposed by Miles and Huberman. From the data analysis, it has been found that there are five types of Bangkalan legends, namely: the origin of the establishment of a region, respectful leaders who died, living his/her sacred grave, mystical places, the spread of Islam, and the origins of the emergence of a culture. It has also been found the distributional of layers of legends existance namely: classics, neoclassic, middle ages, new era, and present layers. Based on the legend interrelations, it has been found four contours of legends, namely the north, west, the south, the east, and the central contours. In addition, this study also reveals two other interesting facts. The first is about the existence of four legends involving Madura strong female characters named Bendoro Gung, Dewi Retnadi, Syarifah Ambami, and Dewi Nawang Wulan. The four women are highly respected by Madurese. This is contradictory to Madurese culture which admires patriarchy (man’s power) very much. The second is about Trunojoyo’s traces. This figure is so well known in Madura yet his footsteps are not so visible in Bangkalan legendscape.
legenskap, Bangkalan, layer, kontur
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PDFDOI: https://doi.org/10.24257/atavisme.v19i2.196.192-205
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