Etnografi Sastra Using: Ruang Negosiasi dan Pertarungan Identitas
(1) Jurusan Sastra Indonesia, Fakultas Sastra, Universitas Jember, Jalan Kalimantan 37
(*) Corresponding Author
Kajian ini menekankan bagaimana komunitas Using memandang, menyikapi, dan mensiasati sastra sebagai ungkapan identitas diri dan persentuhannya dengan kekuatan-kekuatan lain, terutama modernisasi, agama, dan kebijakan negara. Hal ini tampak terlihat pada teks lakon Jinggoan, syair-syair dalam pertunjukan Gandrung, dan basanan wangsalan dalam Warung Bathokan sebagai bentuk resistensi dan representasi identitas Using. Perlawanan terhadap berbagai ancaman, baik yang bersifat fisik maupun pencitraan negatif berulang kali terjadi dalam kesejarahan masyarakat Using. Konsep yang membangun hegemoni adalah budaya dominan (yang sedang berkuasa), budaya residual (unsur budaya yang tersisa dari masa lalu), dan budaya emegrent (unsur budaya yang baru muncul). Dalam analisis etnografis, metode interpretasi dipergunakan untuk mengakses lebih dalam terhadap berbagai domain yang dialamiahkan dan aktivitas karakteristik pelaku budaya yang diteliti.
This study emphasizes on how Using community view, respond, and anticipate literature as an expression of self identity and relation with other forces, especially modernization, religion and state policy. This can be seen on Jinggoan stories, poems, and basanan Gandrung wangsalan in Warung Bathokan as a form of resistance and the representation of Using identity. Resistance against various threats, both physical and negative imagery occur repeatedly in Using history. The concept that builds hegemony is the dominant culture (which is in power), the residual culture (cultural elements remaining from the past) and culture emegrent (newly emerging cultural elements). In the ethnographic analysis, interpretation method is used to access more of the various domains in which characteristics of perpetrators of cultural activities is being investigated.
Key Words: Using literature, resistance, contestation, negotiation, identity
This study emphasizes on how Using community view, respond, and anticipate literature as an expression of self identity and relation with other forces, especially modernization, religion and state policy. This can be seen on Jinggoan stories, poems, and basanan Gandrung wangsalan in Warung Bathokan as a form of resistance and the representation of Using identity. Resistance against various threats, both physical and negative imagery occur repeatedly in Using history. The concept that builds hegemony is the dominant culture (which is in power), the residual culture (cultural elements remaining from the past) and culture emegrent (newly emerging cultural elements). In the ethnographic analysis, interpretation method is used to access more of the various domains in which characteristics of perpetrators of cultural activities is being investigated.
Key Words: Using literature, resistance, contestation, negotiation, identity
sastra Using; resistensi; kontestasi; negosiasi; identitas
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