Nilai Karakter Anak Dalam Novel Karya Anak Usia 10 Tahun
(1) Jurusan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia, FBS, Universitas Negeri Surabaya, Jalan Lidah Wetan, Surabaya
(*) Corresponding Author
Makalah ini mendeskripsikan nilai karakter anak dalam novel karya anak usia 10 tahun. Novel yang dibahas adalah The Rings of Friendship (TRF) karya Vira (10 tahun), The Smart Girls Petualangan Seru Lima Sahabat (TSG) karya Salma Syifa (10 tahun), dan The Special Day (TSD) karya Yasyfa (10 tahun). Berdasarkan kajian deskriptif dengan teknik pembacaan berulang-ulang, ditemukan sejumlah informasi tentang nilai karakter anak berkaitan dengan nilai cerdas, nilai jujur, nilai peduli, dan nilai tangguh. Nilai karakter tersebut menyatu ke dalam narasi cerita tanpa menunjukkan secara eksplisit unsur nilai karakter melainkan berada pada alur cerita dari awal sampai akhir. Tema ketiga novel adalah petualangan dan persahabatan, alur maju, tokoh anak-anak, dan latarnya sekolah, rumah, serta alam lingkungan. Kemasan cerita bersifat sederhana, lugas, kalimat pendek, bergaya dialog, dan naratif.
This article describes the value of child character in novels written by ten year old children. The novels being discussed are The Rings f Friendship (TRF) written by Vira (10 years old), The Smart Girls Petualangan Seru Lima Sahabat (TSG) written by Salma Syifa (10 years old). Under the descriptive study by using continually reading technique, it was identified that there are several information about the value of child characters related to the value of intelligence, honesty, care , and strength. Those character values combine into the story narrative without explicitly exposing the character values component, but exist in the plot from the beginning to the end. The themes of the novels are adventure and friendship, flash-forward plot, child character. The settings are school, home, and the natural surrounding. The presentation of the story is simple, to the point, using short sentences, dialogic, and narrative.
Key Words: character values, intelligence, honesty, care, strenght
This article describes the value of child character in novels written by ten year old children. The novels being discussed are The Rings f Friendship (TRF) written by Vira (10 years old), The Smart Girls Petualangan Seru Lima Sahabat (TSG) written by Salma Syifa (10 years old). Under the descriptive study by using continually reading technique, it was identified that there are several information about the value of child characters related to the value of intelligence, honesty, care , and strength. Those character values combine into the story narrative without explicitly exposing the character values component, but exist in the plot from the beginning to the end. The themes of the novels are adventure and friendship, flash-forward plot, child character. The settings are school, home, and the natural surrounding. The presentation of the story is simple, to the point, using short sentences, dialogic, and narrative.
Key Words: character values, intelligence, honesty, care, strenght
nilai karakter; cerdas; jujur; peduli; tangguh
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