Kritik Atas Modernitas Dalam Novel Bilangan Fu Karya Ayu Utami
(1) Departemen Sastra Indonesia, Fakultas Ilmu Budaya ‐ Universitas Airlangga Jalan Dharmawangsan Dalam, Surabaya 60286
(*) Corresponding Author
Artikel ini bertujuan untuk mengungkap kritik atas modernitas dalam novel Bilangan Fu karya Ayu Utami. Dengan memanfaatkan naratologi Tzvetan Todorov, dapat dipahami aspek verbal Bilangan Fu, yaitu sudut pandang, pencerita, dan tuturannya. Berdasarkan penceritaannya, novel ini merupakan novel polifonik, karnivalistik, sekaligus metafiksi. Berdasarkan kontennya, novel ini menghadirkan sejumlah kritik atas modernitas, khususnya berkaitan dengan semangat modernitas yang cenderung melihat segala sesuatu secara monodimensional, hanya ada satu kebenaran, dan liyan diabaikan. Bilangan Fu merupakan novel yang merefleksikan zamannya. Novel ini berhasil menyegarkan cara pandang masyarakat Indonesia, atau setidaknya menghadirkan sesuatu untuk dipikirkan dan dipertimbangkan kembali, berkaitan dengan diri, lingkungan, dan semesta raya. Novel ini mengembalikan manusia ke hakikatnya, yaitu kemanusiaan.
This article aims to reveal criticism on modernity in Ayu Utami’s novel Bilangan Fu. Tzvetan Todorov’s theory of narrative provided a framework to understand the novel’s verbal aspects, which are point of view, narrator, dan its voice. Based on its narrative, this novel is polyphonic, carnivalistic, and metafictional. Based on its content, it presents criticism on modernity, particularly on spirit of modernity that tends to see everything in monodimensional; there is only one truth, and the other is ignored. Bilangan Fu is a novel that reflects its time. It successfully refreshes the perspective of Indonesian society, or at least brings something to think about, related to the self, environment, and the universe. In the end, it brings back human being to their core, their humanity.
Key Words: novel; point of view; narrator; criticism; modernity
This article aims to reveal criticism on modernity in Ayu Utami’s novel Bilangan Fu. Tzvetan Todorov’s theory of narrative provided a framework to understand the novel’s verbal aspects, which are point of view, narrator, dan its voice. Based on its narrative, this novel is polyphonic, carnivalistic, and metafictional. Based on its content, it presents criticism on modernity, particularly on spirit of modernity that tends to see everything in monodimensional; there is only one truth, and the other is ignored. Bilangan Fu is a novel that reflects its time. It successfully refreshes the perspective of Indonesian society, or at least brings something to think about, related to the self, environment, and the universe. In the end, it brings back human being to their core, their humanity.
Key Words: novel; point of view; narrator; criticism; modernity
novel; sudut pandang; pencerita; kritik; modernitas
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